The Computerized DVD Dispenser

by gowtham 2010-02-13 20:56:10

You got an unused DVD player lying on the storeroom, but you’ve no idea what should do with it? Well, it’s time to show off your creativity and innovation, by simply modifying the DVD player into a computerized DVD Dispenser!

This project isn’t too hard, as you only need to prepare the following components:

A servo,
A stepper motor, and
A graphical LCD.
Let’s get started. First of all, you’re require to use a fairly old ATMega8515 at 8Mhz internal. It can be used to control a servo via PWM and a 12V unipolar 4phase stepper through a simple MOSFET interface. Beside that, it equipped with the User Interface of a 64×128 GDM12864H LCD with four pushbuttons. In this case, you have to solder up a clean proto board for the circuit.

For your information, the actual rack is made of pixelglass was holding together by copper coated steel grounding rods used to ground a house’s system. Furthermore, the stepper is used to turn a threaded rod that pushes or pulls a balsa sliding apparatus by the nut glued to the balsa.

Since this project is quite simple, thus you don’t have to spend too much of time to get it done! By the way, remember to enjoy yourself during the project.

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