I woke up in a white room

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-13 22:29:04

I woke up in a white room

I woke up in a white room
with white lace curtains.
Snow covered landscape;
I'm in Memphis for certain

Yesterday, it took over three hours
just to travel the last twenty miles.
But nothing is like my wife's family
always being greeted with smiles

I was hoping for a White Christmas.
You'd be surprise how simple I am.
Be careful what you wish for
God may be listening to your plan.

Most of the nation is covered
with that dangerous and beautiful thing
I am grateful for arriving safely
for my wife's happiness is everything.

She wanted to see her family,
her father, uncles and aunts.
I've kept her in Southwest Texas too long;
this trip I most willingly grant.

So, here we are now
in a snowy southern wonderland.
Waiting for Christmas dinner to come;
a present only my wife can understand

-by Juan Manuel Perez

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