Legends influencing Valentines Day Celebration in Middle Ages

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-14 15:45:29

Legends influencing Valentines Day Celebration in Middle Ages

One very popular legend of Valentine's Day states that the festival originated from the Feast of Lupercalia - a fertility festival celebrated in mid February by ancient Roman during pagan times. The festival paired young boys and girls through a lottery system who would fall in love and marry.

Another legend states that a priest called St Valentine lived in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. Valentine defied the orders of Claudius order that banned engagements and marriages in Rome and secretly married young boys and girls. Saint Valentine was executed by Claudius on February 14, 498 AD. Over the period of time St Valentine became the patron saint of lovers and they began to celebrate his martyrdom by expressing love for their beloved and exchanging love notes.

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