Installation of Apache

by Suganya 2007-10-23 14:54:59

Apache Installation:

The following steps will help you in installing Apache:

Step1: Double click the Apache 1.3.31 .exe file.

Step2: An installation wizard will appear, Click Next.

Step3: In the License Agreement, click the radio button, I agree the terms in the license agreement and select Next button.

Step4: Again click Next in Read This First wizard.

Step5: In the server information wizard, Enter the Network Domain as, the Server Name as and the Administrator's Email Address as

Step6: The most recommended way to run apache is, as a service, so by default the radio button will be selected as Run as a service for All Users -- Recommended. If you want to run the apache manually, you can select the below radio button.

Step7: After filling the details, select the Next button.

Step8: In the Setup Type wizard, by default Complete will be selected, so proceed with Next.

Step9: The destination folder will be selected under your Program Files, so proceed with Next.

Step10: Then again click Install to begin the installation.

Step11: Now Apache HTTP Server 1.3.31 will be installed successfully. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

Step12: Now open your browser and enter localhost in your address bar, you can see a test page for Apache Installation.

Note: If the test page is not seen, you might have gone wrong somewhere. Start installing again.

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