On This Day in History - January 7 |
Discover today's historical events and the facts. Listed here the time line of events that happened on this day in history |
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What Happened On This Day In History - January 7 |
1566 January 7
Michaele Ghislieri is elected Pope Pius V
1608 January 7
Fire destroys Jamestown, Virginia
1610 January 7
Galileo discovers 1st 3 Jupiter satellites, Io, Europa and Ganymede
1870 January 7
W B Purvis patents fountain pen
1929 January 7
1st telephone connection between Netherlands and East Indies
1943 January 7
1st U.S. President to visit a foreign country in wartime-FDR leaves for Casablanca, Morocco
1965 January 7
France announces it will convert $150 million of its currency to gold
1980 January 7
Indira Gandhi was elected to power in India, three years after she had lost it.
1990 January 7
The Tower of Pisa was closed to the public due to safety concerns. It was reopened to the public after 11 years in 2001.