On This Day in History - July 2 |
Discover today's historical events and the facts. Listed here the time line of events that happened on this day in history |
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What Happened On This Day In History - July 2 |
1867 July 2
1st US elevated railroad begins service, NYC
1940 July 2
In 1940,freedom fighter and leader of Indian National Army Subhash Chandra Bose was arrested for the 11th time. Interestingly, on the same day in 1943 he reached Singapore on the invitation of revolutionary freedom fighter Rash Bihari Bose. There, he was appointed President of the Indian Independence League and took on the responsibility of Bose as leader of the Indian Independence League in East Asia.
1972 July 2
India and Pakistan sign peace accord
1992 July 2
Braniff Airlines goes out of business