On This Day in History - July 31 |
Discover today's historical events and the facts. Listed here the time line of events that happened on this day in history |
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What Happened On This Day In History - July 31 |
1774 July 31
Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen
1861 July 31
9,300 mm rainfall in July in Cherrapunji, Assam: world record
1914 July 31
Oil discovered in Lake of Maracaibo
1965 July 31
Cigarette Ads banned on British TV
1971 July 31
Apollo 15 astronauts take 6 hour electric car ride on Moon
2006 July 31
Happy birthday to J.K. Rowling and her most famous creation, Harry Potter. Rowling turns 41 today. Harry celebrated his 11th birthday when he first burst onto the scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) and was 16 in his latest book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005).