On This Day in History - July 5 |
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What Happened On This Day In History - July 5 |
1991 July 5
World Wide Bank of Credit and Commerce International BCCI
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) which at one stage was one of the worlds ten largest banks by assets is closed in the United States, The United Kingdom and other countries around the world after regulators found the bank was involved in money laundering, bribery, arms trafficking, the sale of nuclear technologies support of terrorism.
2000 July 5
England 50% now have Mobile Phones in 2000
In the last 2 years the growth of mobile phone use in the UK has exceeded all expectations as the change in perception of the mobile phone as a "yuppy status gadget" has changed to daily essential for everyone, the change has partly been through the introduction of Pay As You Go and the continuing reduction of prices together with additional functionality including internet access from the latest WAP phones.
2003 July 5
Following an outbreak of the deadly SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome )which had killed about 775 people in 29 countries the World Health Organization (WHO) announces that SARS is now contained.